Universal Engineering, Inc has developed into a leading firm that provides engineering designs for wood, concrete, and steel structures. We can provide civil plans to architectural plans for patio
covers to 20,000sq. ft. residential properties in Beverly Hills. Hillside development with piles, grade
beams, with grading, drainage, erosion control plans can be provided to meet each project design requirement. Residential and small commercial addition project engineering can be prepared per site conditions to obtain permits.
Homeowners, contractors, architects are all welcome to inquire of engineering needs. Our two offices In Orange County and Los Angeles offer direct contact with our team.
Standard designs have been a desire to all of our clients. We offer fast turn around on most over the counter typical pools, fireplaces, covers, and walls. See our list in the right column. Details can be provided for reference to assist in final design criteria by emailing us. We offer free quotes on any project. If you use another engineering firm and they cannot handle your project engineering call us!
Email Your Site Plan, Soils, and provide scope of work. A quote will be provided within a couple of days.
Universal Engineering, Inc looks forward to serving You!
Michael Alloway, President